這堂課將加上圖表來統計每個月份的總開銷,並根據資料動態改變 CSS Style
首先,新增一組 Component Bar.js,並加上基本結構如下:
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| const Chart = (props) => { return ( <div className="chart"> {props.dataPoints.map((dataPoint) => ( <ChartBar key={dataPoint.label} value={dataPoint.value} label={dataPoint.label} maxValue={null} /> ))} </div> ); };
Adding Dynamic Styles
接著新增一組 Component ChartBar.js,其基本結構如下:
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| const ChartBar = (props) => { return ( <div className="chart-bar"> <div className="chart-bar__inner"> <div className="chart-bar__fill"></div> </div> <div className="chart-bar__label">{props.label}</div> </div> ); };
接著我們需要計算 props 進來的值,藉此動態顯示對應的 CSS Style ; 在 React 中,如果要在 JSX 加上 style
,其中的值為一個 object {}
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| const ChartBar = (props) => { let barFillHeight = '0%';
if (props.max > 0) { barFillHeight = Math.round((props.value / props.max) * 100) + '%'; }
return ( <div className="chart-bar"> <div className="chart-bar__inner"> <div className="chart-bar__fill" style={{height: barFillHeight}}></div> </div> <div className="chart-bar__label">{props.label}</div> </div> ); };
如果遇到 background-color
這種多字元的屬性,則須要透過引號 ‘’ 來包住它,或是透過駝峰式 Camel Case 來表示
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| <div className="chart-bar__fill" style={{'background-color': 'red'}}></div>
<div className="chart-bar__fill" style={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}></div>
Wrap Up & Next Steps
接著,我們可以在 Expense 資料節中新增一個 Component ExpenseChar 來導入 Component Chart,並帶入過濾後的資料
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return ( <ExpenseChart expenses={filteredExpenses}> );
有了這些資料後,便可以對資料進行加總統計,並將資料整理成 Component Chart 需要的格式
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const ExpenseChart = (props) => { const chartDataPoints = [ { label: "Jan", value: 0 }, { label: "Feb", value: 0 }, { label: "Mar", value: 0 }, { label: "Apr", value: 0 }, { label: "May", value: 0 }, { label: "Jun", value: 0 }, { label: "Jul", value: 0 }, { label: "Aug", value: 0 }, { label: "Sep", value: 0 }, { label: "Oct", value: 0 }, { label: "Nov", value: 0 }, { label: "Dec", value: 0 }, ];
for (const expense of props.expenses) { const expenseMonth = expense.date.getMonth(); chartDataPoints[expenseMonth].value += expense.amount; }
return <Chart dataPoints={chartDataPoints} />; };
最後就可藉由這些資料取得最大值作為 100% 的基準了
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| const Chart = (props) => { const dataPointValues = props.dataPoints.map(dataPoint => dataPoint.value); const totalMaximum = Math.max(...dataPointValues);
return ( <div className="chart"> {props.dataPoints.map((dataPoint) => ( <ChartBar key={dataPoint.label} value={dataPoint.value} label={dataPoint.label} maxValue={totalMaximum} /> ))} </div> ); };
React - The Complete Guide (Incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)